■ Underground Mine
After clearing Stage 20, you can unlock the Underground Mine.
- [Main Screen] > [Top Left Icon] > [Underground Mine]
In the Underground Mine, you can acquire Gold at regular intervals, with the amount of Gold per minute slightly increasing depending on your stage progression.
The Gold can accumulate for up to 8 hours, and it is displayed as "Time Remaining Until Mine Closure" in the top right corner of the screen.
Make sure to check the mine closing time and claim the Gold, so that it won't exceed the maximum accumulation time!
■ Deeper Mine
Go into the Deeper Mine to gain even more rewards!
After clearing Stage 130, you can unlock the Deeper Mine.
- [Main Screen] > [Top Left Icon] > [Deeper Mine]
The Deeper Mine is where you can obtain rewards per stage, with the stage reward increasing by one every 6 hours.
The higher the reward stage, the more random rewards you can get, and if you claim the reward, the reward stage will be initialized.
However, you cannot acquire the rewards found from the previous stages that have not been claimed, so if you find a reward you like, be sure to claim it!
We will be sending you a push notification everytime when the Deeper Mine is renewed.
If you want to be notified, please set [Settings]>[Push Notifications] to ON!
⛏ What are the Underground Mine and the Deeper Mine?
Last Updated: 509d